Bash Commands
tar xvjfm scripts.tar.bz2
,-m, --touch don't extract file modified time
, using time in host machine -
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"object_kind":"merge_request","object_attributes":{"id":22,"target_branch":"master","source_branch":"master","source_project_id":57,"author_id":9,"assignee_id":null,"title":"Master Title","created_at":"2014-07-02T02:31:20.000Z","updated_at":"2014-07-02T02:36:33.008Z","milestone_id":null,"state":"closed","merge_status":"unchecked","target_project_id":55,"iid":7,"descrinption":"description_content"}}'
curl post -
apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade/autoclean/autoremove/clean/remove/purge
dpkg-reconfigure foo
重新配置 -
echo "foo hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "foo install" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
apt-cache search foo, dpkg -l foo*
,apt-cache show foo , dpkg --print-avail foo
dpkg -L foo
dpkg --get-selections
dlocate foo, dpkg -S foo
foo文件来自哪个包 -
apt-file search foo
哪些安装包提供foo文件,不仅仅包含系统中已经安装的 -
dpkg -c foo.deb
foo.deb 包含哪些文件 -
apt-cache dumpavail
显示所有可用安装包,以及他们各自的详细信息 -
apt-cache pkgnames
快速列出已安装软件包名称 -
echo "export http_proxy=" >> ~/.bashrc
,echo 'Acquire::http::proxy' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf
tasklist /svc
,taskkill /pid 1965
,taskkill /f /im QQ.exe
tar xvf sth.tgz -C uncompress_folder
updatedb -l 0 -o db_file -U source_directory
,locate sth -d db_file
find out the working directory of a running process,
pwdx <pid>
,lsof -p <pid> | grep cwd
,readlink /proc/<pid>/cwd
format json in vim,
%!python -m json.tool