Solarex's Blog


The Hidden Pitfalls of AsyncTask

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I originally wrote this article when I was (foolishly) still using AsyncTasks. Nowadays I simply consider it a mistake in all cases. As you’ll see from the original article, there are a lot of problems with it – and there are much better solutions.

My preferred alternative these days are combining RxJava with schedulers. You get the same effect as an AsyncTask with none of the problems, plus you get an awesome framework in addition. I know, recommending a library to solve a problem is irritating, but RxJava is worth looking at for many reasons.

When AsyncTask was introduced to Android, it was labeled as “Painless Threading.” Its goal was to make background Threads which could interact with the UI thread easier. It was successful on that count, but it’s not exactly painless – there are a number of cases where AsyncTask is not a silver bullet. It is easy to blindly use AsyncTask without realizing what can go wrong if not handled with care. Below are some of the problems that can arise when using AsyncTask without fully understanding it.

Android Tips

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Android Tips and Tricks

Part I

  • Activity.startActivities() – Nice for launching to the middle of an app flow.

  • TextUtils.isEmpty() – Simple utility I use everywhere.

  • Html.fromHtml() – Quick method for formatting Html. It’s not particularly fast so I wouldn’t use it constantly (e.g., don’t use it just to bold part of a string – construct the Spannable manually instead), but it’s fine for rendering text obtained from the web.

  • TextView.setError() – Nice UI when validating user input.

  • Build.VERSION_CODES – Not only is it handy for routing code, it’s also summarizes behavioral differences between each version of Android.


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OAuth是一个关于授权(authorization)的开放网络标准,在全世界得到广泛应用,目前的版本是2.0版。本文对OAuth 2.0的设计思路和运行流程,做一个简明通俗的解释,主要参考材料为RFC 6749







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Android Context

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Context is probably the most used element in Android applications…it may also be the most misused.Context objects are so common, and get passed around so frequently, it can be easy to create a situation you didn’t intend. Loading resources, launching a new Activity, obtaining a system service, getting internal file paths, and creating views all require a Context (and that’s not even getting started on the full list!) to accomplish the task. What I’d like to do is provide for you some insights on how Context works alongside some tips that will (hopefully) allow you to leverage it more effectively in your applications.